Fast-acting products for male potency

Men and women are interested in the question: is it possible to increase potency with the help of food? It is possible, but with one caveat. Erectile dysfunction occurs for a variety of reasons and is not a disease in its own right. Therefore, in some cases, the introduction of certain foods into the diet and adherence to diets will not give the desired results. If a man notices that something is wrong with an erection, you need to consult an andrologist and undergo a full examination.

What products will help increase potency and normalize sexual intercourse? There are many of them, we will talk about the most effective and affordable for consumers.

Nuts of any kind are the most important product!

Nuts are extremely useful for men's health and potency. They include:

  • Zinc;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • vitamins;
  • in some (almonds) - sulfur.

These substances and trace elements have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation in the urogenital organs and strengthen the immune system. Men whose daily diet includes walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, or almonds are less likely than others to consult erectile dysfunction doctors. Mixing a tablespoon of nuts with the same amount of honey gives a good effect. One spoon a day is enough to notice improvements in intimate life!

nuts for potency

Oysters and seafood in the fight against erectile dysfunction

Oysters and seafood contain a large amount of zinc. This substance is indispensable not only for the normal functioning of the genital organs. It has been established that a lack of zinc in a man's body can provoke serious diseases, including prostatitis. In modern medicine, zinc-containing products are included in therapeutic nutrition for prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and other urogenital diseases.

In addition to zinc, oysters and seafood contain:

  • a vitamin complex, including D, B, C;
  • iodine and fluorine;
  • molybdenum and nickel;
  • calcium and potassium;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including those not produced by the human body.

Of the seafood, oysters are the most useful for male potency. They have a complex positive effect on the body, improve blood composition and microcirculation in organs, strengthen the immune system and help eliminate free radicals.

Oysters for potency

Garlic and onions - an unexpected remedy for potency

The inhabitants of the Caucasus and the countries of the East regularly eat onions and garlic, while they are famous for their masculine power. What makes these foods indispensable in the fight against impotence? Above all, the supply of zinc and selenium. Selenium has been found to help prevent prostate cancer and other diseases of the male reproductive system. This means that these products are useful for improving potency.

Onions and garlic have a number of beneficial properties.

  1. Antibacterial. The most common cause of erectile dysfunction is inflammation in the urogenital system. Regular consumption of onions and garlic helps fight infections and therefore erectile dysfunction.
  2. Diuretic. In the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases that are the cause of poor potency, it is important to stimulate the outflow of urine. Onions are better suited for this task than chemicals.
  3. normalization of metabolism. Fresh onion juice lowers blood sugar, which is important for diabetes. This disease is one of the factors that can provoke erectile dysfunction, and fighting it is an important step in improving potency.

Remember that onions and garlic lose a significant part of their properties during heat treatment. Therefore, use them in the preparation of salads or simply as an appetizer for main courses.

Onion and garlic for potency

Quail eggs are a great product for potency!

Eggs are the most affordable product to effectively enhance male power. They contain vitamins, lecithin, minerals and proteins. If you have trouble getting quail eggs, you can eat chicken. However, they also contain substances that are harmful to the human body.

If you want to enhance the beneficial effects of eggs, we suggest using an interesting recipe that was popular in ancient times.

  1. Take 1. 5 cups of whole cow's milk.
  2. Add a tablespoon of natural bee honey.
  3. Add a teaspoon of brewer's yeast and one raw egg to the resulting liquid (if quail - then 4-5 pieces).

Be careful! If you have liver problems, limit or eliminate eggs from your diet. Chicken eggs are contraindicated in hepatitis, cirrhosis and other similar diseases.

Quail eggs for potency

Herbs and spices - the secret of male power

In the East and in the Caucasian regions, herbs and spices are indispensable and traditional foods in the diet. At the same time, men have practically no problems with potency. Scientists became interested in this phenomenon and found that many herbs contain substances that are powerful aphrodisiacs. What can you eat to improve potency?

  1. Anise in any form, including liqueurs.
  2. Celery in the form of vegetables or juice. Not only improves erection but also increases stamina.
  3. Dill has the same effect as celery.
  4. sesame or its oil. Enhances the effect in combination with honey.
  5. Of the spices, vanilla, rosemary, cumin, and cloves are considered the best.

Remember that many spices are contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Green for potency

What foods affect potency?

First of all, it's alcohol. Men know that in small amounts, beer increases erections, but the effects are short-lived. In addition, regular drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to problems with erectile dysfunction.

The following foods are harmful to male power:

  • Meat from poultry and livestock;
  • caffeinated products;
  • smoked food;
  • natural milk in bulk;
  • Soy - contains phytoestrogens.
Seafood for potency

For men who want to preserve their potency to old age, it is better to refrain from salty foods - chips, crackers.

Nutrition is the most important part of human life and health. How and what a man eats depends on his state of health and potency.

An unbalanced diet that includes fast food products such as dumplings, sandwiches, hot dogs, instant noodles and mashed potatoes, sausages, etc. will have a negative impact on human health.

To improve health and sexual function, you should abandon low-quality products and give preference to natural products that increase potency.

Which foods increase potency?


Seafood is high in zinc and selenium — the key minerals that affect men's sexual function. Seafood like flounder, mackerel, salmon, shrimp, crayfish, and squid are essential for sexual health. In addition to vitamins and minerals, oily sea fish contains omega-3 and omega-6, essential fatty acids involved in testosterone biosynthesis.


Nuts with honey for potency

Nuts for men are a storehouse of nutrients and trace elements that the body does not receive from improper or poor nutrition. In order to maintain health for many years and not have problems of an intimate nature, a man is recommended to adhere to a balanced diet, give up bad habits and play sports.

Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pine nuts are a pantry of vitamins and minerals, vegetable protein, essential oils and fiber. The rich internal composition and the content of significant doses of arginine in nuts, an amino acid that improves blood circulation, has a positive effect on erectile function.

An effective folk recipe for increasing potency is a mixture of nuts with honey (walnut is required), after which the nuts are chopped for ease of digestion (optional). Consume a mixture of 1-2 teaspoons per day 3-4 hours before bedtime.


The beneficial properties of parsley for men have been known since ancient times. Parsley contains the compound apigenin, which suppresses the production of female sex hormones in a man's body, which in turn suppresses the production of testosterone. In addition, parsley is an excellent means of preventing prostatitis. In addition to the organic vitamin and mineral composition, parsley, onion, cilantro, spinach contain plant analogues of male sex hormones (androsterone).


Eggs are an excellent balanced product rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. It is not recommended to eat raw eggs because. Their digestibility is worse, and there is a risk of microbes and salmonella collecting on the surface of the shell. Eggs contain cholesterol, which the male body needs to build sex hormones. When cholesterol levels drop, testosterone levels follow. But high cholesterol is no less dangerous than low ones: cholesterol begins to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels. Nutritionists have long argued about how many eggs should be eaten: some argue that two eggs every two days is the maximum norm, others that eggs can be eaten every day, since they contain a substance that regulates and prevents cholesterol levels, that it rises too high.

garlic and onion

Garlic and onion increase blood flow to the genitals, activate testosterone production, increase potency, have a preventive effect on prostatitis, have antibacterial properties and help the body cope with various bacterial diseases. Garlic and onions have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, and garlic contains the trace element selenium necessary for men. Eating onions was forbidden in monasteries because of their properties to increase sexual desire.


meat for potency

In ancient times, flesh was the main source of male power. And this is not surprising, because meat contains animal proteins and amino acids necessary for the male body. But you need to know the measure when eating meat, because it contains cholesterol and a lot of fat, the uncontrolled consumption of which can lead to obesity. It is best to eat low-fat (veal, beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey) fresh meat.

In order for meat to have a positive effect on potency, it is worth giving preference to low-fat varieties with a high degree of assimilation and high nutritional content. For example, bear meat has the highest zinc content, lean beef is second, and pork liver closes out the top 3. The right choice will give men strength for many years and prevent disorders.

Root vegetables: celery and ginger

Celery and ginger are two root crops that help improve men's health. Celery for men is useful because it contains the male sex hormone androsterone, which is responsible for erection and secondary sex characteristics. Celery and ginger contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals for potency and are a prophylactic against prostatitis. The healthiest parts of ginger and celery are their roots.

oysters and mussels

Oysters are considered champions in zinc content. Famous for his loving nature, Casanova ate 50 oysters for breakfast. The beneficial properties of shellfish in improving erectile function have been attributed to high levels of organic zinc, but recent studies have found that, in addition to zinc, shellfish are rich in rare amino acids that activate the production of sex hormones. For maximum effect, oysters and mussels should be eaten raw, as a significant portion of the amino acids are lost during heat treatment. Scientists note that the mollusks caught in the spring have the highest concentration of amino acids, since mollusks are actively multiplying during this period.